Wednesday 15 January 2014

week 14

Week 14

Recording, cataloguing and referencing work

-    organise your work for sale

-    Manage your work

-    Remember what you have done

-    keep a record of all your prices

Selling work:

-    all work should be referenced and catalogued

-    Code should be on the back of all work

-    Initialed and numbered

-    Also need a photograph of each piece of work

-    a full page reference example, picture reference code, description, media, date sold, size, payment received and company

Further considerations:

-    digital logs, file sizes

-    Issues?

-    Compressing images and cropping

-    Lightening


Photographic references:

-    white background

-    Gives colours more accuracy

-    Ensure it's In focus

-    Best quality photos 300dpi at least

-    A detail shot this will give you more information

-    If you sell your photograph will be the only record you have

Digital log

-    back it up and save on a memory stick

-    You may want to use your photographs for promotional material

-    Store your information I.e referenced photographs as a document on a disk


- do a digital log this is part of your hand in if not handed in will fail.

week 13 research task

For this weeks professional studies tasks I am going to think about what topic I would like to focus my report on this year.

 I really enjoyed the lecture we were given on copyright I found this lecture surprisingly very interesting. You have to be so careful in the design industry that your work is protected straight away as anyone could quite easily get hold of your designs.
I think this could be a potential report I would like to look into, I can research into companies which protect your designs etc but also look at cases where big brands have ripped off small designers work.

Another report topic I am thinking of doing is preparing for a trade show, in February I am going to Indigo to gain some work experience on the stand. This would be a perfect opportunity to take notes of what is needed to set up a successful stand, find out about what buyers are looking for and also look at the cost of travelling and setting up. Doing this topic would allow me to gather primary research and I can prepare questions before I go.

week 13 negotiating a report topic

Week 13


Negotiating a report topic


-    Indigo, setting up for trade show.

-    Copyright

Researching your report

-    what are you going to achieve

-     title

-    What will you find out


Step two

-    collecting information

-    Questionnaires

-    -research

-    Secondary research

-    Your experiences


-    consider your content this will be directly influenced by your objectives

-    Structure for your report different sections

-    Write a rough draft

-    Read check and amend it



-    cover sheet with images name module title level word count and submission date

-    Contents page sub headings page numbers et

-    introduction, what is the reason for wright ing this report

-    Procedure, provides with exact steps and methods for report

-    Main body

-    Conclusion

-    Recommendations optional what further research might you do on your own based on findings

-    Appendices, sections that are not included in the word count go after the report

-    Analysis sheet from questionnaires, information that has being highly relevant such as a journal article

-    Use of images reference your images


Research methods

-    collect primary research

-    Secondary research

-    Set a topic

-    Interviews, questionnaires, emails, Skype.

-    Prepare set questions to give to people